Yoga Monday

Finally home from my weekend travels to my hometown, and a no-run day, it was a great night for some “easy” yoga. I definitely worked up a sweat, but didn’t do anything TOO taxing. Tonight I decided to try Yoga Practice for Runners by Ekhart Yoga. I really enjoyed this practice, especially the instructor, Esther Ekhart.

The practice was extremely easy to follow just on vocal cues, which I really value in a YouTube practice. Having to disrupt my poses or flow to look up at the TV to see what I’m supposed to be doing is annoying and sometimes counter productive. Honestly I didn’t really find myself watching her at all, just listening to her cues, which allowed me to really pay attention to ME and my alignment (isn’t that the point?!). So often I find myself only focusing on what is going on on the TV and really paying no attention to what I’m doing with my body – not the case with this practice. I will definitely be using this practice again, and checking out some of the other goodies from this team!

Finally, I thought I’d start adding a bit about what I’m wearing for my workouts. I really love seeing fitness fashion on other folks’ blogs and vlogs.

Monday Yoga

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